About Me
I have worked as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon in Cardiff since 1993, specialising in adult hip surgery. I provide a comprehensive specialist private practice service receiving referrals from Wales, the whole of the UK and internationally. My clinical work covers primary joint replacement surgery and minimally invasive anterior approach joint replacement surgery. I am actively involved in research and development projects in these fields. I am also actively involved in surgeon education/training having been regularly invited to speak internationally and perform demonstration operations nationally and globally.
My private practice centres around the management of adult hip conditions. I have been involved in a number of innovative developments over the years including computer guided hip surgery, micro hip replacements and minimally invasive anterior hip replacement surgery. Anterior hip replacement surgery is combined in my practice with an enhanced recovery after surgery programme (ERAS) allowing patients to be discharged home in less than 48 hours after surgery and reducing rehabilitation time by approximately a half of conventional hip surgery approaches. This procedure is extremely sought after due to the fast and safe rehabilitation and recovery time compared with conventional approaches.